Unanswered Arguments

If an argument or case is presented that by its very nature and construct destroys the underlying principle of a set of beliefs or theology in just one major point that undermines the whole foundation of such a system, we must conclude that all of what follows in support of that system is suspect.

            As the number of arguments “against” any theological construct that are built on solid conclusion and understandings of scriptures that cannot be contradicted or proven wrong but in fact are primary truths that cannot be questioned by interpretation as their plain meaning is glaringly obvious, we then must reject any system that’s seeks to redefine these truths as given by scripture.

            Full Preterism is a house built on half truths hence the inability by any to overturn the whole apple cart that is called Full Preterism. The half truth comes in the form of interpretation as in some cases either interpretation, for or against the stated conclusion, can be correct but the underlying factor comes in force that once all of the house is completed and the finished product is not squared, we must conclude the foundation was off.

            A weakness of a lot of biblical eschatology is the tendency to ignore the time          element of a prophecy simply because the historical events of that           predicted time do        not match our concept of what was to take place. It is more      likely, however, that our         concept is wrong, rather than the timing of the prophecy.” — Max R. King

            The failure of Full Preterism is laying a foundation based on “time Statements” that are imposed on text because of the preconceived notion “all” must be fulfilled in the first century.  If our concept is constructed by careful exegetical analysis of scriptures, the very nature of a prophetic event is made clear and plain as any supposed time statement and the event did not happen in 70 AD according to the plain meaning of scripture then what is at fault is our understanding of “time statements”. It has been the failure of many Eschatological systems to assign dates either of the past or future when History provides the evidence of unfulfilled prophecy as proof against that Eschatological system, “it did not happen when they say it did”. The response from Cults and all “bad” eschatology is to declare “we misunderstood”, not the nature event but the timing of the event. Preterism fails in understanding the nature of the event or redefining it while trying to maintain it did happen even in the light of no historical evidence and that they had the timing right.

            70 AD completed and fulfilled the days of vengeance: Truth,

            Jesus second coming was NOT in 70 AD.

            When these cases are presented to Preterist and all assumption and presuppositions are removed from the case, the argument stands on solid ground. Solid ground is achieved when Full Preterist are unable to counter with any reasonability, common sense, or just plain honesty that shows clearness of thought and the ability to carry the argument to its logical end. If the logical end contradicts a foundation principle of truth then the whole construct from A to Z is wrong.             It is the inability of many to carry the logical argument to its final conclusion and understanding those final conclusions are contradictory to the whole that marks full preterism debate a dead-end street with many.

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